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House 7: Mava

More members of house Mava

house mava together with house lupis is one of the smaller houses both when it comes to numbers, money and recources. they are famous for being very much a part of the nature on the "green" parts of the island, and being very in tune with the animals there.


a member of house mava has never sat on the throne, but unlike the other houses(maybe exept house lupis) house mava dosen't seem to have an interest in ruling. instead they focus on being one with nature, the animals and the work-elves they live among.


esteticaly, house mava has red-ish/brown or blonde hair, brown or green eyes and a medium pale skintone.

House mava is the most mobile of the houses, constantly moving around and exploring the western part of the island. but, their stationary home is in the villige of "mavaron", located right between lake trifoliel and lake fulgeth. the village concists of treehouses, and house mava has one slightly bigger treehouse then the rest of the village population.

The founder of house mava is malion mava. he was good friends with baslan elersas, actually even better friends than baslan and nalkai ever where. therefore baslan first wanted to make malion the warden of ered, but malion declined. he declined because he had always been a simple man and a sheperd before the birth of the island, and he wanted to continue it that way. so instead, baslan gave him and his decendants power to rule and take care of the wast forest land that exists on the west part of the island.

malion also married a ordinary work-elf, named wathai mava. they are the forfathers of house mava.


the coat of arms of house mava is a sheep surounded by leafs, on a dark green background. this means that the house animal is a sheep and the house color is dark green.

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