The mountain city of Ered


Located at the foot of the mountain of ered and by lake Erea, lies the mountain city of Ered.
The city of ered is home of 20 000 of the islands inhabitants, making it the forth biggest city on the island and the third biggest city in the "green" non-dessert parts of the island.
The city is a stategic part of the island's economic and trading factors, since it is home to both miners and people who buy the metals that are mined in the nearby caves in the mountain.
The city is also home to it's own palace called "the nature temple" or "serorth yamumer" as seen on the pictures below this text. It is both a staying place if the royal family wishes to visit, but otherwise it is the home of "the alysa of ered". That could be transated as "the protector/warden of ered". That person is the head of making decisions for the elf king/queen when he/she is not there.