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  • For a sentence to be completely correct in Laeteth, a subject and a predicate must be present in the sentence.

  • Correct sentence: I am running - math oth randetherae - PIC IN TENGWAR
    Non correct sentence: am running - oth randetherae - PIC IN TENGWAR

  • It must also be written in the order subject, predicate, object(in regular sentences) or predicate, subject, object(in questions) for it to be correct.

  • Example sentences:

  • SPO: the girl loved the cat - Narier melaeras felither - 


  • PSO: can you retrieve the knife?(it becomes the wrong way in english) - sangeres tath sikiler? - 


Synonyms in Laeteth

(large)alta - ure(big)

(oak)nomo- thon(pine) 
(evil)'keh-NAME - nequel(not good)

(to be happy)valin- - marthi-(to feel lucky)

  • Laeteth has no homophones
    or homepraphs, as the high-elves thought that it would create conflict and missunderstandings. 

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