The malethan elf:
Like i previously said, the island of maltketh is populated by elves. These elves have certain characteristics that are specific to their race.
For example, the maltkethan elf has one of the following hair colors: silver, gold, platinum blond, brown or coal/black.
The elves either have a very light pink-ish skintone if they live in the green forest parts of the island, and a more darker sand/gray/brown colored skintone if they live in the dessert.
House sikilas has black/gray/purple skin.
They are all very tall(over 1,9 m) and have long pointy ears!
the elf head
gath quendi cranai
Ear - hoon
mouth - anto
Hair - losh
Eye - elee
Eyebrow - eleesa
nose - nesai
Chin - mentu
The elf body
gath quendi quenat
Heart -cora
HEAD - cranai
collarbone - iuguai
Shoulder - rogch
hand - cam
neck - collum
upper arm - brathi sui
bend of the arm - brathi curvath
lower arm - brathi lai
ribs - latus
waist - castula
hip - coxa
thigh -femorail
knee - popeth
calf -bucus
feet - talwi