The Malkethan time ages
The malkethan time ages are what make up the malkethan calendar, and show what different epochs the island is going through. they are the same as the one's in the rest of Iludus and consists of four time ages.
One year in the Malkethan calendar is 25 months. These months are about 40 days, making one year 1000 days!
The first age, also known as The first days, is the first time period in malkethan history. It lasted for 3000 years and the reason for it's departure is that Queen Lissa wanted her reign to be the start of a new more progressive era in the islands history, and therefor she created this.
Some imporant happenings during the first age:
The birth of the island
The creation of the eight sons society
The first king, King Baslan is crowned
Queen Lissa is born
Queen Faiel is born
The first age
The second age, also known as The sun days, is the second time period in Malkethan history. It lasted for 3441 years and the reason for it's departure is that a few years after his birth, King Balinar begins a new age in celebration of his long-wanted son, King Corai.
Some important happenings during the second age:
"The big drag", a natural disaster
Queen Lissa is assassinated
Queen Faiel creates the state religon
Many different kings/queens are born
Start of the islands first civil war between the crown and the city of Lise
The second age
The third age
The third age, also known as The war days, is the third the period in Malkethan history. It lasted for 3021 years and the reason for it's departure is that ??????
Some important happenings during the third age:
King Balinar dies during the battle of Spear Mountain
King Corai becomes king
The island restores itself after the civil war
The Crown and the House Of Lise unite through marriage between King Corai and Queen Laia
King Corai dies
The forth age
The forth age, also known as The ???? days, is the forth time period in Malkethan history. It lasted for 6000 years and the reason for it's departure is that ????
Some important happenings during the forth age: