sun signs
Related to the religion watchers of the sun are the sun signs that are a part of the religion and the island's society.
These sun signs are the same as the star signs we have, exempt that the elves believe that it is small suns out in the universe that are aligned to show what personality traits you have if you are born when the "normal" sun is aligned with that cluster of small suns out in space.
there are 25 months and therefor there are 25 star signs. they are all presented in short detail below.
quan telin's sun signs

The Successor - Gath Nauro
Month - urtai
Stands for-success
Typical traits:
Positive:amibitios& devoted
Negative:bossy & cold-hearted
The Mother - Gath Narnath
Month - sendor
Stands for - mercy
Typical traits:
Positive: patient &
Negative: too loyal & non-active

The Banker - Gath Argentari
Month - kanig
Stands for - money
Typical traits:
Positive: prosperous & wealthy
Negative: money-blind & conceited​
The Judge - Gath Iudeth
Month - Bareth
Stands for - forgivness
Typical traits:
Positive: rational & forgiving
Negative: judgy and too disciplined

The Star - Gath Lumelai
Month - Cusus
Stands for - attention
Typical traits:
Positive: entertaining & energetic
Negative: vain & attentionseeking
The Artist - Gath Alonfeth
Month - Onlai
Stands for - creativity
Typical traits:
Positive: creative & cultured
Negative:head in the clouds & awkward