In laeteth, morphems and syllables are in almost all cases the same, with the few exaptions where allmorphs(like -lai or -iel) are their own morpemes but not necessary their own syllables.
Laeteth has no fogemorphemes, because ownership is expressed with a word before (for example "maon" if it's something you own) instead of
Laeteth does have plenty of rootmorphemes, for example "cora"(heart) or "routh"(broken) in "routhcora"
Laeteth also has (quite a small amount but still) grammatical morphemes. For example, -er(marking definite form) and -ai for plural form.
the language has a free morphemes, for example the two in my previous example "routhcora" being routh & cora(that can both stand on their own.)
Quite often if not always, the bound morphemes are the same as the grammatical morphemes(for example -er that dosen't work on it's own)
But there are also other bound graphemes, for example the adjectives for colors. They are bound morphemes because they do not work on their own.
The different suffixes
conjugationuffixes:Yes, the language does have that, for example in the words: Sun(telin) & the sun(teliner)
Yes, for example aira(copper color adjective) or Airarth(copper color noun)
Yes the language does have diversionprefixes, for example "ludaneth"(moon) and "ludanethan"(moony, means to be mystical)
More morphology!
There are instances in the language where the differenct between writing two words togeher and writing them seperate really does effect the meaning of the word and sentence. For example "anidae inarth"(meaning avoid him) while "anidaeinarh"(meaning "the lost one") means an entierly different thing.
Laeteth does not have fogemorphemes, meaning words that bind together words, instead the words are just added on to eachother incase there is a word that consists of two or more free morphemes.
Laeteth only has a few acronyms, that is initial abbreviations. For example HE(meaning high-elf), WE(working-elf) or F.a, S.A,T.a and F.A, (meaning first, second, third and forth age, the time periods the island has existed duiring middle earths history.
The language has both direct loans and translated loans when it comes to words. This is because when the language was created(read about in the "about the language" section) the high-elves used some of the words they already knew together with slightly chanced versions of the words they already knew to make the language. They did this to keep some kind of conntection to their landbound heritage.
Words in laeteth can be one of 4 wordforms/classes. Nouns, adjectives, verbs or number words.
Laeteth is a synthetic language, meaning that words are conjugated after the grammar in the language. That is the case for example that you add -er or -ai to single words to change the grammatical function.