Queen Luda Dagonas
Queen Luda is different than the other Maltkethan rulers you can read about on this website. For one, she was queen for quite a short time, but also the fact that she was not from one of the fancy Houses of Maltketh.
She was born in the more poor areas of Iseirus the capital in [S.A 999]. Much of her early life is unknown, only that she kept living there until she was a young-adult. She lived with her parents and worked in a bookshop.
In [s.a 2244] she meets a man that is unlike anyone else she has met in her life. He is smart and brave and has a royal presence over him. They fall in love and later she finds out who he is, but that dosent matter.
In [s.a 2280] Luda's life changes completly. She goes from being a common-elf girl to being the queen of the island. She does not like it, but moves with her husband because she dosent want to leave him.
The couple has problems getting pregnant, something that bothers Luda since it's "her responsibility" to create a royal offspring. But in [s.a 3338] the couple gets a son, named Corai.
When her husband dies at war, it breaks Luda. She realises that she will have to take the throne after her beloved husband, because their son Corai is only 115 when it happens, which is too young to rule any kingdom.
Let's just say it, Luda becomes a terrible queen for her 43 sunyear rule. She puts all her effort into raising her son, she forgets to raise the island and it starts to break down duiring her rule. Her advisors try to help here, but she will not listen.
The day Corai becomes old enough to rule, Luda gives the crown up to her son (to the people of the island's great relif).
Luda keeps living in the castle far away from the population that dislikes her, where she lives out her days. One day in [t.a 300] Luda dies comfortably in her bed in her quarters of the castle.
Random facts about queen luda:*
Ruler for 43 sunyears
Lived for 2642 sunyears
Born in the month of Lalath on the 19th day. Therefor she is born in the seller sunsign.
Known in history books as “Queen Luda the careless” since the people of the island found it bad that she did not work hard to resurrect the island after the civil war.