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House 6: Lupis

House lupis (aka house fish) is together with house mava one of the smaller houses both in numbers, power and recources. they are known as friendly and brave, but also very "equal" with the working elves, since their is not as much of a money difference between them and the people in their city as it is between for example house morketh and the people who live in ered wher they recide.


a member of house lupis has never sat on the throne, and no lupis blood is part of the royal bloodline. instead, house lupis is the main supplyers of all things sea related to the rest of the islands population, for example crabs, fish and boats. they have also always been alined with house elersas in war, even though the army they have on their own is very small.


esteticaly, house lupis have pale skin, blone or brown hair and light blue eyes.

House Lupis have controll over two cities on the island, Orana and Linara, but recide in Orana. This is because this is the two biggest places to fish on the island. in orana, house lupis live in a small palace called "gath atya anoron", meaning the palace of the sea shell. part of it can be seen on the picture above, it is the house to the left. inside, they for example have a throne/dining hall, as seen on the other picture above. 

The founder of house lupis is lupus lupis. he was maybe not the smartest or the most strait forward of the eight founders, but he still helped the others out and was always loyal to his king, just like house lupis has been ever since. He was also special in one perticilar way. he was a merman. so every member of house lupis has water powers, this also helps them a lot when catching fish.

Lupus married meiva turlai, cuiva turlais(see who that is by reading about house elersas) younger sister. this also gave baslan and lupus a special bond, something you can feel between house elersas, house turlai and house lupis to this day.


the coat of arms of house lupis is two fish with lots of waves around them on a blue background. this makes the house colour blue and the house animal a fish(duh lol)


More members of house lupis:


© 2017 by Anna Holm. Proudly created for my final project in the "human language" subject (just for fun as a hobby now)

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