
King Linco Elersas
King linco is the ruler in history with the worst and most frightning story. he is well known of his disease, his angry nature and starting the "army of the suN", a faith militant for the state religion.
king linco was born in the year [s.a 420], as the first born of his famous and beloved mother queen faiel. but already from the day he was born something was wrong. he was born with a disease called “telin aiasan”, a metal and physical desoder that makes you mad and in most cases, gives you a very short life. This on top of the fact that linco saw that he was a disappointment to his parents made him an angry and sick child, just waiting for his death that everyone naged on about.
But linco beat the odds, and grew past his teenage years. he still suffered with his disease, but in his young-adult life it was more the mental side of it than the physical.
even though linco had quite a distanced and formal relationship to his mother it was a great loss when she was killed. it also made him more paraniod, thinking that he was next in line. the opposing religious group to the state religion "the darkness" lead by house sikilas was also getting a stronger influence on the island. both these events caused linco to create a religious militant that could keep him, his siblings, and all other belivers of the state religion.
King linco gets more and more paranoid about people and thinks everone is out to get him(even his family) so in his last year he does what his mother did and moves into a room in "the great sand temple of the sun". after a wile there, the physical part of his illness kicks in and one day he just collapses infront of his mothers grave.
Fun facts about king Linco:
He lived for 1860 sunyears, a short life for an malethan elf.
he ruled for only 56 years, the shortest rule of all rulers recorded.
He is born in the month of Hafteth, therfor the is a "gone sun" sun sign.
Known in historybooks as "king linco the burned" since he is the only ruler in history with this type of discease.